10453 Flying Flag Mailbox
10453 Flying Flag Bacova Mailbox. They feature fiberglass panels with colorful designs and personalization on both sides of the mailbox.
10453 Flying Flag Bacova Mailbox is available in 4 post mount mailbox sizes. No mounting board or hardware included. Optional Mailbox Posts available.
Move down to read more about this very popular mailbox product.
Important Bacova Mailbox Details
* All designs are fiberglass panels riveted to black steel mailboxes. Now available with over 100 unique designs.
* The decorative panels are colorful patterns on cloudy white fiberglass backgrounds (not bright white.)
* All designs are available on two sizes of standard quality postboxes and one size heavy-duty, vandal-resistant steel plate mailbox. Designs are “sized down” to fit the specific size mailbox you order.
AS OF APRIL 2023: The LARGE size mailboxes have been discontinued.
* The design is always on both sides.
Every Bacova Mailbox is custom made and cannot be exchanged or refunded for any reason. Even if you don’t personalize the mailbox with an address or name, it is still a CUSTOM order being fabricated to your specifications.
The decorative fiberglass cover will age and become less white once exposed to the elements.

Delivery Approx 2-3 Weeks
More Bacova Mailbox Detals Below
Small - (6"w x 8"h x 19"d) $119
Includes one line of personalization with up to 18 letters and spaces maximium.
Medium - (8"w x 10"h x 21"d) $149
Includes one or two lines of personalization with up to 20 letters and spaces maximum.
StrongBox - (7"w x 9"h x 19"d) $229
Includes one line of address or name personalization with up to 18 letters and spaces maximum.
Mailbox Posts:
Bacova Mailboxes can be mounted to almost any mailbox post.
We sell some treated wood posts that work out nicely, but there are many mailbox posts that can be used with a Bacova Mailbox.
No mounting board or hardware is included, but the video below should help.
Generally speaking, since Bacova Mailboxes are decorative fiberglass panels over black mailboxes, in our opinion, the best color mailbox post should also be black… or one of our nice treated wood posts
Locking Mailbox Inserts:
Add a locking compartment inside your small or medium mailbox to protect against mail theft. Click here to see our optional locking mailbox inserts.

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