Our products are shipped from many different locations around the US. We do not always receive tracking information from suppliers, so we do not always enter tracking numbers into the sales record. Please contact us if anything has not arrived accorded to the delivery time frame we estimated in our order confirmation email.
Delivery companies like FEDEX and UPS no longer require signatures for delivery. In safe delivery locations like residences, the delivery person will simply drop the package somewhere near your front door, or another designated spot if indicated on the order form (i.e “Back Door”… “Side of Garage”… etc etc). Once a package has been dropped at your location, and the tracking shows the day and time, it is deemed to have been delivered.
It is extremely rare for a delivered package to be stolen from someone’s property. If tracking shows an item was delivered, please check all the likely places a delivery driver would have left it, and please check with other residents at the delivery location to be certain someone else didn’t bring the package inside for you. In nearly ever case, the package is sitting somewhere.
Our obligation is to have your order delivered to the address you provide. Once a delivery company like UPS or FEDEX makes that delivery, we have met our obligation. If in the super-super-rare instance that an item is actually stolen from your property, after UPS, FEDEX, USPS makes the confirmed delivery. it becomes a police matter. Call them and report the crime. Of course we will provide proof of delivery to whatever authorities become involved… but neither the Mailbox Shoppe, nor the delivery company can be held responsible once the item has been dropped off. Always provide a safe delivery address to avoid the unlikely chance of something being stolen from your property.
In other rare cases, a package can get lost along the way inside the carrier’s system. Packages lost before delivery are covered for a 100% refund or replacement at no additional cost.
Damaged Deliveries or Claims of Parts Missing
Please inspect merchandise upon delivery and report any damage immediately. Damaged or lost merchandise claims must be filed with the carrier within 10 days of receipt of goods. Never put to the side any delivery from us without inspecting for damage or missing items or parts. It’s critical that you inspect everything and notify us of anything damaged or missing with 10 days after receipt. Once that 10 day period passes, we may not be able to help you.